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My therapy practice

As a trauma specialist I pay particular attention to helping clients to resource themselves in their lives, to build their resilience and recover from the moral injuries they may have suffered at the hands of others or themselves. Resourcing can include learning and actively using simple grounding and breathing techniques to calm our physiological system as necessary as well as other forms of meditative practice, and connecting to our own inner creativity and capacity for reflexivity.


Just as we understand that people who have suffered serious physical injuries need time and support to recover, I believe we also need time and support to heal from psychological pain and the kind of deeply engrained emotional hurts and distress typically caused by early relational trauma within the family and/or later abuse and trauma experienced in adult life. I work with clients to explore their experience safely together without re-living their traumatic experiences and to help them make connections between what they expect for themselves now and what may have happened to them in the past. My clients are able over time to improve their ability to navigate their everyday life and feel happier and more at ease with themselves and in their relationships with others.  

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